Saturday 25 September 2010

PCB design

I needed a replacement for my USB2I2C convertor. Actually I wanted to work without a PC in the closet. I started some searches on the internet to find a suitable replacement. This brought me to the Lantronics site. They sell a fully made component that converts WIFI into serial. Exactly what I was looking for. See below the specifications:

Most of the components setup of my previous USB2I2C project can be reused on the new board. The only big differences are the board measurements and the Lantronics embedded wireless server module. I want the board to be as large as the dimmer boards so it will fit perfectly well between them. The look will be marvelous as the three boards will form one big black surface. All components and drilling holes will be at the same distance to accomplish maximum uniformity. A first drawing is already been made by my good friend after a few discussions between a couple of bears ;-) Below a first version of the layout:

As we continue the development I will write some more on how we progress. Maybe I'll insert a section on how to setup the Lantronics and I will cover a blog on how the performance will be over the air.

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